Oltina is no. 1 in the TOP OF PRAHOVEN COMPANIES 2018.
Oltina Bakery
Located in Urlati city, on 1 MAY street no. 33B (44 ° 59'01.6 "N 26 ° 13'57.5" E), the new bakery Oltina used in 2011, was made following an investment of approx. 6 million euros through the EAFRD program. The new section benefits from two complete bread production lines and bakery specialties, the number of units produced per day exceeding 140,000.
The toasted fullautomatic line also works, Ispita Oltina 600 gr and Ispita Junior 300 gr. Oltina bakery products are sold in Oltina's own stores in Urlati and Ploiesti, in all international partner networks: Kaufland, Lidl, Profi, Billa, Mega Image, XXL Megadiscount, Penny Market, as well as in over 1100 traditional partner stores in Prahova, Buzau. , Dambovita, Ialomita, Ilfov, Bucharest.
It is located in Urlati city, on 1 MAY street no. 33B (44 ° 59'01.6 "N 26 ° 13'57.5" E) in the same location with Oltina bakery and was used in 2011 following an investment of approx. 1.5 million euros. In this unit, in addition to the more than 30 products of pastry, such as Oltina Cozonac, Patties, Salt, Donuts with various fillings, Oltina pies, Walnut snails, etc., here are Oltina bakery specialties such as Bread with olives, Bread with potato, Bread with onion and cumin, Bread with rye flour, Bread with 100% black flour, Bread with whole wheat flour (whole macinis), Bread with graham flour, all produced according to traditional recipes, on the hearth, by fermentation method long-lasting, without the addition of enzymes or enhancers, 100% natural ingredients.
Oltina's pastry products and bakery specialties are sold in Oltina's own stores in Urlati and Ploiesti, in all international partner networks: Kaufland, Lidl, Profi, Billa, Mega Image, XXL Megadiscount, Penny Market, as well as in over 1100 traditional partner stores in Prahova, Buzau, Dambovita, Ialomita, Ilfov, Bucharest.
Corn mill
In use from 2012 after an investment from own funds of 4 million euro associates, Oltina corn mill (44 ° 58'47.4 "N 26 ° 14'56.8" E) mill 240 tons of corn in 24 hours. The technology used comes from the big international manufacturers of milling machines Buhler Germany and Ocrim Italy. P>
The products obtained here are:
- Maize Superior Morino 1kg,
- Maize Grisat Morino 1kg,
- Corn flour,
- Maize for beer,
- Maize for corn snacks
Wheat mill
In 2006, with the change of the shareholding, it was decided to continue the investment in the milled sector by accessing a SAPARD Program (C 1.10602633100084 / 26.09.2006 - «Modernizing the primary processing capacity of cereals, expanding the capacity for storage and the purchase of transport equipment - City Urlati - Prahova County »- project completed), but also with the help of own resources, in this way the mill was modernized to a total capacity of 240-260 to / 24h - which led subsequently to the change of field main activity in milling. P>
Wheat mill Oltina grinds daily over 180 tons of wheat in 24 hours, the products obtained in this section are:
- White wheat flour of the higher type 480
- White wheat flour type 550
- White wheat flour of type 650
- White wheat flour type 1250 (black)
- Whole grain flour
- Gray from wheat
- Wheat germs